Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie and Minister for Veterans Affairs
Dan Tehan visited North Dandalup on Saturday to talk about money earmarked for veteran support in the 2017-18 federal budget.
Mr Hastie and Mr Tehan visited the North Dandalup Tavern for a barbecue and question-and-answer session with about 40 veterans.
Mr Hastie, a former Australian Defence Force member, said it was important the Veterans Affairs minister could talk face-to-face with West Australian veterans.
Mr Tehan told the attendees the $350 million package, announced as part of the budget, was a significant increase in funding for veterans.
“The Government is focused on responding to the mental health needs of our former ADF personnel and providing support that will help them to achieve a fulfilling post-service life,” he said.
“In last year’s budget we made treatment for depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and drug and alcohol misuse free for anyone who had served a day in the full-time ADF.”
Minister Tehan said a $33.5 million expansion of non-liability healthcare that would cover all mental health conditions was part of recognising the importance of veterans seeking early treatment.
“Importantly, a veteran does not have to prove their mental health condition is related to their service,” he said.
“The funding for mental health treatment is demand-driven and not capped – if an eligible person requires treatment, it will be paid for.”
Support is available for serving and ex-serving personnel and their families who may be dealing with the stresses and fall-out of military service.