The City of Canning council has passed a controversial salary package for its chief executive, but only after complaints by some councillors.
At its September 19 meeting council supported a motion to increase the chief executive’s salary package to include a Qantas Club membership per year, as well as an extra week of paid leave, following a lengthy debate over the recommendations of the city’s review panel.
As a result Mr Kyron will receive a salary increase in the form of a Qantas Club membership each year, as well as an additional week of paid leave in lieu of a monetary increase.
Councillors Jesse Jacobs, Lindsay Holland, David Brown and mayor Paul Ng were the committee reviewing Mr Kyron’s salary package and Mr Jacobs said the committee had considered its options before submitting its recommendation.
“I think the Qantas Club will help him better perform his job,” he said.
Mr Holland said the proposed change was small.
“This is a very nominal increase, which was agreed on between us, the CEO and an outside consultant,” he said.
The panel reviewed Mr Kyron’s performance based on key performance indicators and determined he had met the city’s expectations since he was signed on in 2016.
The provision of a Qantas Club membership struck a nerve with councillor Patrick Hall, who said it was unnecessary given the chief executive had flown once in 12 months for City of Canning business.
Mr Hall said Mr Kyron had done exactly what the city had asked of him when he was employed, but that did not mean a salary increase was deserved.
“The CEO has done a terrific job, but I’m quite astounded the committee would suggest for somebody to have achieved a basic tenant of one’s employment, our expectation, that he should be rewarded,” he said.
Mr Hall acknowledged the extra week of leave would be a small cost for the city, but said it would impact on the running of the city.
He also said he did not see the necessity of a ratepayer-funded Qantas Club Membership.
“The implication for our greater community is our CEO won’t be here for an extra week a year,” he said.
“I don’t understand why our CEO needs a Qantas Club membership, he’s had a single trip in the time he’s been here.
“I don’t see any need for it.”
A one-year membership, including joining fee and delivery, to the Qantas Club is $969.
Mr Hall tried to amend the motion to remove the provision for a Qantas Club membership and an extra week of paid leave for the city’s chief executive, but it did not receive enough council support.
The final vote on the original motion carried 9-2, with Mr Hall and councillor Ben Kunze in opposition.