Shire prioritises intersection fix after another crash

Shire prioritises intersection fix after another crash

A two-car collision at the intersection of Abernethy Road and Hopkinson Road resulted in two people being taken to hospital for treatment. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen

Police, fire crews and St John Ambulance were called to a two-car crash in Oakford on May 19 at an intersection, which has previously been recognised as one of the top ten riskiest in the state.

The incident occurred at around 6.40pm at the Abernethy Road and Hopkinson Road intersection when two cars collided, leaving a minor fuel spill.

A female passenger in her late 40s and a male passenger in his early 30s were taken to Armadale Hospital for assessment.

The intersection was noted in the 2016/17 RAC Risky Roads survey as being a confusing road with inadequate crossing or turning opportunities.

The speed was also noted as an issue.

The intersection was listed as one of the top ten riskiest intersections in the 2016/17 RAC Risky Roads survey. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale chief executive Kenn Donohoe said the intersection is set to be closed in the future and will be incorporated into the planned extension of Tonkin Highway to South Western Highway.

“One of the main reasons we have campaigned strongly for this project is because it will make local roads safer by alleviating traffic congestion and reducing the potential for serious accidents,” he said.

“We’re working actively with both State and Federal governments and in the interest of our residents to bring this vital project to construction as soon as possible.”