New sports hub closer after hand over

New sports hub closer after hand over

WA Premier Mark McGowan and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale president Michelle Rich. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

A 63-hectare site previously held by the Mental Health Commission was officially handed over to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale last week to make way for a brand new sports hub.

The site, which is located south of Keirnan Street and west of South Western Highway has been the topic of conversation for years with shire several councillors and the Serpentine Jarrahdale Ratepayers Association vowing for the land to be utilised as a regional sports facility.

Dubbed the Keirnan Park Recreation Precinct, the facility will accommodate football ovals, cricket pitches and nets, tennis, netball and basketball courts, swimming pools, a  gymnasium, a national level BMX track and a range of other community and administrative facilities.

Serpentine Jarrahdale Ratepayers Association spokesperson Alan Clarkson said the group and the shire alike had been told by the previous Barnett government that the land was far more valuable for residential development and would not be transferred to the shire.

“This however did not deter the group and in the following years they worked very hard to achieve this outcome,” he said.

Shire president Michelle Rich said the acquisition of land was a signifi cant step towards creating a true community precinct that would meet the needs of local clubs and athletes well into the future.

“Local sporting clubs are crying out for new facilities that will allow them to grow and give their members the best opportunity to succeed,” she said.

“We have 120 sporting and community groups in the shire and the unfortunate reality is that current facilities just don’t meet demand.”

Ms Rich said planning was still in its early stages and the shire would soon consult with sporting clubs, community groups and the public before releasing designs.

The Keirnan Park Recreation Precinct is planned to be delivered over six stages and is projected to cost $70 to $100 million.