Bogans galore at Byford event

Bogans galore at Byford event

Rona Axford, Tracey Mitchell and Chloe Mitchell attended the Byford and Districts Country Club's Bogan Bingo event last weekend. Photograph - Richard Polden.

Many flannelette shirts and fake mullets were donned as Byford residents turned up to play bingo at a local tavern. 

Byford and Districts Country Club hosted the Bogan Bingo event on June 15 which proved to be a huge success. 

Chief executive Mark O’Neill said the event was attended by about 170 people who all enjoyed a four-course Aussie meal that included beef pies and lamingtons. 

“It is something we haven’t tried before but we were very impressed with 

everybody’s inner bogan with flannos and mullets being a must during the show,” he said.

“Hosts Laugh Out Loud Crazy commanded the room with huge confidence and charisma as his quick wit kept everybody on their toes. 

“Air guitar competitions, bogan fashion parades and of course the bingo was a huge hit.” 

Photographs – Aaron Van Rongen.