Too close for comfort

Too close for comfort

Kerry Sweetapple with her grandson Kelly Sweetapple at the pedestrian crossing on South Western Highway in Byford. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

A resident is pleading with motorists to exercise caution and stop when traffi c lights are flashing red at a popular pedestrian crosswalk in Byford.

Kerry Sweetapple said she has been involved in and has also witnessed a number of close calls of pedestrians nearly being hit by vehicles at the signalised pedestrian crossing on South Western Highway near Blytheswood Avenue in Byford.

“I am really concerned that someone will be hit on the crossing,” she said.

“The first time I was aware that cars didn’t stop when I was waiting to cross with a car stopped on the inside lane and two cars passed it on the outside lane.

“If I had stepped off to cross I would have been hit.

“Since then I have seen it numerous times with sometimes three or four cars completely oblivious to the red light.”

She suggested flashing lights on the warning signs located further down the highway would assist with alerting driver’s of the crossing, however insists nothing could be done to stop people’s stupidity and lack of attention when crossing the road.

Main Roads WA media manager Dean Roberts said the pedestrian crossing was installed in early 2014 and a pedestrian countdown timer was installed in April 2017.

“Main Roads installed additional signals ahead advance warning signage in May 2019 which included the installation of replacement lime yellow reflective signs and new signage installed in the median on both approaches to the signalised crossing,” he said.

According to Mr Roberts should Main Roads receive any complaints about the crossing in the future the organisation would investigate and determine validity, possible causes and responsibility.

“If the concerns fall under Main Roads’ responsibility an investigation would be undertaken to determine if any remedial action is needed,” he said.

“If works are required Main Roads would take the appropriate steps to resolve the issues subject to site and project constraints.”