Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work

Katrina Arnold volunteered her time to help with a planting session along Canning River in Kelmscott last weekend.

A small group of hard working volunteers pulled on their gumboots and gloves and got to work along the Canning River in Kelmscott last weekend. 

Working together with members of Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group, the volunteers planted about 1000 sedges and rushes in the riverbanks and some in the low-lying areas alongside the river in an attempt to stabilise the banks and provide a habitat for the native wildlife. 

Community Landcare officer Ross Wylie said these types of planting sessions are vitally important and the group relies on volunteers to help plant seedlings in areas of need. 

“This area is already under significant stress due to poor water flows and low rainfall compared to previous years so any vegetation along the banks helps to shade the area and retain moisture in the soil,” he said. 

“Overhanging vegetation can function as habitat for fish species in the river and sedges serve as habitat for macroinvertebrates like marron and gilgies. 

“The fringing vegetation on the upper banks forms a habitat band that can serve as a home to a range of native bird, reptile and mammal species and also unfortunately to foxes, as one local has informed us has caused an issue with her chickens recently.” 

Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group hopes to plant a total of 140,000 plants this season in several areas within the cities of Armadale and Gosnells. 

For more information about the group visit their stand at this weekend’s Kelmscott Show or visit the group’s website or Facebook page.