Confronting audiences with tough issues.

Confronting audiences with tough issues.

Daniel Kaluuya and Jodie Turner-Smith in Melina Matsouka’s latest film Queen and Slim.

American music video, film and television director Melina Matsoukas’ latest film Queen and Slim will take you into an exuberant journey that will make your heartbeat rise and stop as the story unfolds.

What it looked like a first and last date it ended up in a ride or die type of relationship. However this is not just another love story, this is real life issues that turned into a revolution for justice and freedom.

The film follows Academy Award winner Daniel Kaluuya as Slim and Jodie Turner Smith as Queen, two African-Americans whose life change after a horrible confrontation with a white police officer that leaves them with no choice other than to find a way to flee the country.

When a video of the incident goes viral Queen and Slim become the people’s symbol of hope as they unveil the harsh reality of a society that continues to discriminate and act unfairly.

The film has it all – drama, comedy, love, passion and adrenaline that are all well represented not only by excellent performances but great cinematography.

Although for some the film may seem slow at times, the much needed build up of tension will have you grab a packet of tissues in no time.

Rating: 5 out of 5

Rated: R

Distributor: Universal Pictures

Out in cinemas now