‘There’ll be more horrific deaths’

‘There’ll be more horrific deaths’


Greyhounds WA continues to be under the spotlight after one greyhound was killed and five suffered severe fractures at the Cannington race track earlier this month.

This is in addition to the other 14 cases that were reported in 2020.

Two-year-old greyhound ‘Disastrous’ was killed after an eight-dog race on June 15, after having sustained five front leg fractures.

Five more young dogs were seriously injured after racing in eight and seven-dog fields at Cannington over a fortnight, with all of them suffering right hind leg fractures and being stood down for 90 days.

The five dogs injured were Bedelia Way, Dayne Peruzzi, Rolo Monelli, Hello I’m Bugsy and Black Signature.

The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG) divisional manager Andrea Pollard said that over the past three years the average number of fractures on Western Australia tracks per year is 80, with approximately half of those being right hind leg fractures.

“With no changes to the number of greyhounds racing or track design we see no reason not to expect a similar number of fractures in 2020,” she said.

“Last year 31 greyhounds were killed on WA tracks, while there were 736 official injuries recorded.

“So sadly, it’s likely there’ll be many more horrific deaths and injuries this year also, all in the name of so-called entertainment.

“Dogs are being killed due to horrific injuries, yet the government says WA has the safest animal welfare-wise industry in the world.

“The only way to end greyhound suffering is to ban racing.

“Until that happens, RWWA must take action on the UTS research.”

CPG developed a five point plan for governments on greyhound reform, which includes the implementation of whole of life tracking, funding of rescues and sanctuaries, increased penalties for mistreatment in the industry, reduced breeding, and making tracks safer.

To find more about the plan visit greyhoundcoalition.com/5-keydemands.