Pedestrian safety to be reviewed after 12-year-old student injured

Pedestrian safety to be reviewed after 12-year-old student injured


Canning council will ask its CEO to review pedestrian safety next to Willetton Senior High School on Pinetree Gully Road.

The review will assess the positioning of speed signs, ask Main Roads to replace the signs with flashing lights, extend the safety rail barriers and establish a pedestrian crossing.

Councillors made the decision on the notice of motion at Tuesday night’s agenda briefing.

In the agenda mayor Patrick Hall said a 12-year-old student was seriously injured on the crossing by a hit-and-run driver who has not been identified.

He said many students were crossing the road at the same time which could have resulted in a more tragic outcome.

He said vehicles travelling from South Street, north east towards the school, enter the school zone from a sweeping right bend.

The bend contains three intersections (Werona Court, Nebo Close and Bernera Drive) and a fourth intersection (Agincourt Drive).

He said it was a busy precinct with many distractions and replacing the speed signs with electronic flashing signs would improve driver awareness while extending the safety barrier would control the movement of students.