Council to spend big to prevent dog attacks

Council to spend big to prevent dog attacks

Bloody wound on his leg from a dog bite

Canning Council is proposing to spend $51,750 on dog signs in its 115 on-leash dog parks.

The council has 63 parks where dogs are allowed off-leash.

Last year it had 105 reports of dog attacks with most attacks reported in areas other than parks.

The council wants feedback from the community on its sign plan.

It is looking at comparisons with on/off leash provisions in public places (including school ovals) with comparable councils with large stretches of shared paths, foreshore, regional parks and conservation areas, being Bayswater, South Perth, Victoria Park and Melville.

Preparations for community consultation and design for Park Beach Close dog park, changes to sections of off-leash zones on the Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore, and consultation regarding a proposal to change the off and on-leash status of Judy Pannell Park and Fern Place Park are being programmed.

The CEO has been asked to consult with the community over Bannister Creek Park, Lambertia Creek Park, Bicentennial Adenia Park, Riverton Drive Foreshore, Creekview Close to Fifth Avenue, Riverton Drive Foreshore, Watersby Crescent to Beryl Avenue and Linkwater Street to Shelley Bridge, Aderyn Park, Arlington Park, Brolga Park, Jasmine Park, Portcullis Park and Centenary Park West foreshore.

He will also report back to council on changing Sandra Park from off-leash to on leash.