Students jump on kindness chain

Students jump on kindness chain

Students with their 10m Kindness Chain. Photo - Richard Polden

This semester, Year 6 students at South Thornlie Primary have taken part in a new social justice initiative.

This initiative has been implemented by Behavioural Science students from the University of Notre Dame, and is designed to explore curriculum content through a social justice lens.

The project has involved a series of workshops, which have introduced students to a range of core social justice concepts such as equity, sustainability and appreciation for diverse identities.

The Kindness Chain was introduced as a social justice activity at the school’s annual open night, to represent the way the South Thornlie Primary School community is connected and strengthened through the kind gestures of its members.

Parents, students and community members are represented as a link within The Kindness Chain” which now measures over 10m – a testimony to the way that kindness truly is a chain reaction.

All it takes is one person, one act of kindness to inspire widespread positive change.

Kindness was passionately embodied by the year six students when they created care packages for residents at a local aged care facility.

This activity was designed to promote community connectedness.

Students wrote thoughtful letters to residents recognising their valuable contributions to the community, and included these letters along with mindful colouring activities, a bookmark, a teabag and some shortbread biscuits.

Students demonstrated a high level of care and consideration in the creation of these packages and were excited to put their social justice learning into practice.

Students were delighted to receive some response letters from residents, which demonstrated the tangible effect that social justice can procure within a community.

The social justice project has provided students with the skills and resources to authentically achieve excellence together.