Maddie’s using her charms for the good of others

Maddie’s using her charms for the good of others

Maddie Backus said it makes her happy that people like her custom-made polymer clay bracelets.

Maddie Backus is determined to do her bit to raise much-needed funds for breast cancer research.

“My great aunty has breast cancer – it’s in the family, so I wanted to help,” she said.

Maddie comes from a long line of crafty women, so she decided to use her creativity to help her with her goals. And the talented eleven-year-old has been steadily chipping away at her $150 fundraising target, one bracelet at a time.

“I’m up to about $98 now,” she said. “I think $150 is a good goal because I’d say it’s enough to help with research efforts.

“But I’m really grateful for the amount I’ve already received.”

Maddie has been selling her custom polymer clay bracelets at the Piara Waters Market every second weekend, and she has a space alongside her mum’s embroidered treasures at Creative Soul Sessions in Seville Grove.

The pair will also be setting up a stall at the Rockin’ The Pink High Tea fundraiser from 1pm on October 20 at the Gosnells Golf Club.

While Maddie has the support of her mum and the rest of her family, she is entirely self-motivated in this project.

“She always been an incredibly old soul,” mum, Belinda Backus said. “She’s a very empathetic person and is always thinking about other people.”

In fact, when we asked Maddie how she would feel if her fundraising efforts helped find a cure for breast cancer, her only concern was for others.

“I would be really excited for those who are currently suffering from it, and I hope it would lead to them getting the treatment they needed in time,” she said.

“But I know it wouldn’t just be because of me, but because of everyone who has been working hard towards this for a long time.”

Maddie will be selling her bracelets for $6 each until the end of October, which is breast cancer awareness month. One dollar from every bracelet is donated to the cause.