John Howard puts support behind local candidate

John Howard puts support behind local candidate

Former Prime Minister John Howard has stepped up to support Liberal candidate for Bullwinkel Matt Moran.

The battle for Bullwinkel is bringing out the big guns.

Former Prime Minister John Howard landed in Perth last week to urge voters in Bullwinkel to support Liberal candidate Matt Moran, as he campaigns to be the first member for the new federal seat.

Mr Howard attended a community morning tea in High Wycombe on Friday and highlighted Matt Moran’s strong community connections, his service in the Australian Army in East Timor and Afghanistan as a Public Affairs Officer, as well as his commitment to tackling local issues with practical solutions.

“Matt was born and bred in Bullwinkel. I am supporting Matt because he’s passionate about Bullwinkel and has the discipline and dedication to service that we need to see more of in Canberra,” Mr Howard said.

“I encourage local people to support Matt Moran’s campaign, so that Bullwinkel has a representative who will listen and focus on the right priorities.

“I’m backing Matt Moran because it’s clear Labor has forgotten about WA.”

Matt said it was an honour to have John Howard’s support.

“I’m grateful to Mr Howard for travelling to Bullwinkel to show his support for our campaign and to meet with members of our local community,” he said.

“Our community deserves real leadership, not more excuses from a Labor Party that’s out of touch on so many important issues, like the proposed North Stoneville development, the ban on live sheep exports and neglected telecommunications infrastructure important for bushfire safety.”

But the Liberals are not the only party to be calling in the troops.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese travelled to Perth in September to officially announce Shire of Mundaring Deputy President Trish Cook as the Labor candidate for Bullwinkel.

He too made a strong case for his candidate’s localness and true-blue credentials.

“I’m so pleased that Trish Cook has agreed to be our candidate for Bullwinkel. There’s nothing that says WA more than a nurse who worked on an oil rig here in WA,” he said.

Meanwhile Federal Nationals leader David Littleproud threw his support behind “local champion” and former WA Opposition leader Mia Davies as the Nationals candidate for Bullwinkel in August.

“Western Australia needs a local champion to take the fight up to the Albanese Government to protect local communities and their way of life,” he said.

Australians are still no closer to knowing when the next federal election will be, but it’s clear the major parties are already stockpiling their weaponry in this part of the country.