Local students have big plans for new PALS

Local students have big plans for new PALS

Kelmscott High students built their own bush tucker garden through the 'As One Nyitting' program last year.

Kelmscott Senior High School was among 21 schools successful in their bids for funding through the WA Government’s Partnership Acceptance Learning Sharing (PALS) program.

A total of $88,608 in grants was announced last week by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for the 2024-25 Term 4 round of the PALS program.

This funding aims to promote and advance reconciliation in WA schools by supporting initiatives that enhance the education and understanding of Aboriginal cultures, achievements and histories.

Kelmscott High will receive $5000 to continue supporting students to “enrich their cultural connections to the land and people” through the ‘As One Nyitting’ program.

Last year a small group of Aboriginal students explored Noongar bush tucker and plants, starting their own Noongar bush garden at the farm.

This year, with the PALS funding, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students will draw on their participation in the ‘As One Nyitting’ program to deliver community assemblies and activities on Harmony Day and during Reconciliation Week.

“Gaining a deeper insight into the cultures, achievements and histories of Aboriginal people helps school communities build better relationships with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members,” Aboriginal Affairs Minister Dr Tony Buti said.

“This is a great funding round outcome, and I look forward to seeing the impact the PALS program continues to have on WA communities.”