Shire calls for community to petition for Rec Centre funding

Shire calls for community to petition for Rec Centre funding

The Rec Centre is in clear need of an upgrade.

With less than six weeks remaining until the state election, and it becoming increasingly likely that an early federal election will be called, the SJ Shire is ramping up its efforts to tie down election funding commitments.

The shire hasn’t had any success yet in its bids for financial support to fund the BMX track relocation and new netball centre at Kiernan Park.

And only a quarter of the necessary funding for the Rec Centre expansion has been promised by state Labor, if they’re re-elected in March.

So, the shire is now inviting community members to join its Rec Centre campaign asking all major political parties for further funding for the $43.77 million project.

The centre, located in the shire’s fastest growing suburb, Byford, is unable to keep up with demand, with many residents forced to leave the shire to play basketball and other mainstream sports.

In addition, the centre’s courts are not to competition standard, and the building is in a rapidly decaying state.

Shire residents can get involved in showing their support for the redevelopment of the recreation centre, by signing an online form which sends an email supporting the project directly to key decision makers.

Shire President Rob Coales said that the shire had been advocating for funding for the Rec Centre for a number of months, but was now keen to press the message further.

“With a rapidly growing population, it’s vitally important that we encourage as many people as we can to keep fit and healthy, for the long-term benefit of the population,” Mr Coales said.

“The current state of the recreation centre and its lack of capacity means that we are unable to actively encourage more users, as sports such as basketball are usually booked out.

“Shire residents, and particularly our young people, should not be locked out of sport and recreation activities because they simply don’t have access.

“With the support of our SJ community, we can send a strong message to politicians about how important and urgent this project is. The time to act is now.”

To send your letter of support, visit: