Champions of cleaning up

Champions of cleaning up

Members of the Champion Lakes Boating Club collected a mountain of rubbish from the lake as part of Clean Up Australia Day.

Last Thursday morning, paddlers from Champion Lakes Boating Club carried out their annual clean-up of the shoreline at Champion Lakes Regatta Centre under the Clean Up Australia banner.

Together, members collected around a dozen bags of rubbish from the lake’s edge.

Much of the rubbish over recent years has been building materials and packaging from the adjacent new housing development, as well as rubbish from visitors attending an event. The rubbish inevitably ends up in the water and around the islands.

The Champion Lakes Boating Club maintains an ongoing commitment, with members cleaning up where they can.

According to the crew, they enjoy participating in this annual clean-up because they care for this beautiful venue with its thriving wetland and aquatic wildlife, and want for the local community to continue to have clean water for recreational use.