Simpson takes a swing for seniors

Simpson takes a swing for seniors

Minister for Seniors Tony Simpson tries his hand at one of the activities on offer at the City of Gosnells’ adventure camp for seniors last week. Photograph — Matt Devlin.
Seniors minister Tony Simpson gets a cheer from seniors. Photograph - Matt Devlin.
Seniors minister Tony Simpson gets a cheer from seniors. Photograph – Matt Devlin.

The City of Gosnells successfully launched its inaugural two-night adventure camp for seniors last week at Bickley Recreation Camp in Orange Grove.

The camp, which ran from May 13 to 15, gave participants the opportunity to try their hand at a range of activities including flying fox, canoeing, bushwalking and bocce.

City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle attended the launch along with chief executive Ian Cowie and Minister for Seniors Tony Simpson.

Mrs Searle said the camp provided seniors with an exciting weekend getaway.

Bickley Recreation Camp is situated on the Darling Scarp alongside the picturesque Bickley Reservoir in Orange Grove.