Everything falls in for young musician

Everything falls in for young musician

Imogen Lau gained national attention after recording her first song at the City of Gosnells SoundLab studios.

Imogen Lau has released her first song to critical acclaim and she is only 14.

The Southern River College student recorded her track All Those Lies Fall In at the City of Gosnells’ SoundLab this year and wants other young people to follow suit.

Imogen made it to the finals of broadcaster Triple J’s Unearthed Competition.

her musical career began when she joined the music crew at SoundLab and applied for an Ignite music grant, which led to her first digital studio recording.

The exposure has connected the 14-year-old to other artists and opened up opportunities for her to perform including an appearance scheduled for next year’s Fairbridge Festival.

City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle praised the teenager and said the city was thrilled with Imogen’s success and was keen to support other young musicians.

“Ignite music grants are available to local musicians aged 12 to 24 and recipients will receive eight hours of free studio time at SoundLab,” she said.

“As Imogen has shown, it’s a great way to launch a potential music career.”

Applications for the grants close on November 30.

For more information or to apply call 9397 3121 or email youth@gosnells.wa.gov.au.

To listen to Imogen’s song visit www.triplejunearthed.com/artist/idgie