March against violence

March against violence

Armadale Senior Sergeant Glenn Spencer has invited men to join in their march on White Ribbon Day on November 25 to take a stance against domestic violence. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

Men from all walks of life are invited to join Armadale Police on their White Ribbon Day march on November 25 to raise awareness of and take a stance against domestic violence.

Officers from Armadale Police Station will march from the train station end of Jull Street Mall to Minnawarra Park where they will invite men from the community to swear that any form of violence or abuse of power in relationships is unacceptable.

They will also carry a giant white ribbon as a symbol of standing together for families and solving problems without aggression or abuse.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics one in three women had experienced physical or sexual violence against them by someone known to them.

On average one woman is killed per week as a result of intimate partner violence.

Armadale Senior Sergeant Glenn Spencer said White Ribbon Day and the march was about raising awareness of the support available to all parties and making sure domestic violence was not tolerated.

“It goes from extremes, domestic violence ranges from intimidation through to full scale physical violence where you’re doing physical harm to a person and they’re ending up in hospital or dead in worst case scenario,” he said.

“Unfortunately we’ve seen in this district several incidents in the past five years where people involved in domestic violence situations one of the parties has ended up dead so it’s about raising that awareness so we don’t even get to that stage.

“If we can stop it at the intimidation stage and let people know about the support available for both parties.

“Like when we put someone in our lock up who’s charged with domestic assault we’re ringing the men’s domestic violence helpline and giving them a phone and saying you really should speak to these people.

“It’s about giving them that support at the earliest opportunity.”

The march starts at 11am and will finish at 12.30pm.

Anyone who feels like they need support or advice on domestic violence should call on 1800 737 732 or visit

For men who believe they are victims or perpetrators of domestic violence should call Mens Line Australia on 1300 78 99 78 or visit