Concerns over Bletchley Park

Concerns over Bletchley Park

Campbell Primary being next to a petrol station has raised health concerns. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Bletchley Park Primary School announced they would retain their kindergarten on site instead of moving it to the vacant Campbell Primary School on Liffey Street in Canning Vale on November 4.

Some parents welcomed the announcement because of Campbell Primary’s proximity to a petrol station but Bletchley Park parent Serena Williamson raised question’s about the school board’s conduct.

“I’m concerned about the board’s conduct and whether the Education Department would intervene to ensure the school board act in the best interest of the students,” she said.

“I also questioned whether the City of Gosnells could consult with the Health Department to ensure relevant buffer zones are enforced when future petrol stations are being approved.

“There was no buffer zone between the classrooms and the petrol station.”

Member for Southern River and Bletchley Park board member Peter Abetz said when parents found out about the intended move some of them were unhappy mainly because they would have to take their children to two sites.

““After a little time the issue was raised with me and the principal that the kindy being next to a service station was too dangerous because of the fumes from petrol,” he said.

“My response to parents was that I would be surprised if that was a serious issue, given that two other comparatively recently built service stations in our area around residences where children would be exposed to fumes not just for a few hours a day, but 365 days a year, day and night.”

Mr Abetz said he acted on the concerns of the parents and requested the Education Minster Peter Collier to monitor the hydrocarbon levels in the air in the playground and in the classrooms nearest to the petrol station.

He said he was still awaiting a response.

“My view was that if the hydrocarbon levels were not significantly higher than the normal background reading then we could assure parents that there is no problem,” he said.

“If they were higher, then we would know that there is a problem, then the Education Department would still have time to seek alternative arrangements before the new school year.”

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