A few more of the lesser men in hilarious movie sequel

A few more of the lesser men in hilarious movie sequel

Graham, David and Tom struggling to lug the corpse of their friend through the Australian outback.

It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen a genuinely funny movie and the sequel to A Few Best Men made me laugh so much my jaw hurt.

Graham, David and Tom played by Kevin Bishop, Xavier Samuel and Kris Marshall are back in A Few Less Men.

This time they are stuck in the unforgiving Australian outback lugging their best friend’s corpse through the bush in a gold coloured phallic shaped box.

Time is running out for them to get their friend’s body back to England for the funeral before Henry played by Packed to the Rafters actor Ryan Corr threatens to set his criminal friends on them or worse violate their bodies.

When I walked into the cinema I had no idea what to expect, I thought it would be just another one of those movies that makes you laugh and you forget about it but A Few Less Men isn’t just comical but heart warming.

It’s the friendship between the three main leads which carries the movie.

They would even go as far as to have afternoon tea with the Aussie version of Norman Bates if it means getting their friend’s corpse back home in one piece.

Also adding to the hilarity is Lynette Curran as Maureen, Shane Jacobson as Mungus and the Jeremy Sims playing Pilot Pidgeon, the pilot who has never met John Travolta.

 Examiner Newspapers has five double passes to give away.

Tell us in 25 words of less a funny adventure you have had with your friends.

Send your entry along with your full name, address and phone number to competition@examinernewspapers.com.au with the subject heading A Few Less Men or write to us at Examiner Newspapers, competition, PO Box 425 Kelmscott, WA 6991.

Prizes must be collected from our office.

The competition closes March 14.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Rated: MA15+

Distributor: Studiocanal Australia

In cinemas March 9