Men begin winter appeal

Men begin winter appeal

Members of the Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed working on the kindling as part of the shed’s winter fundraiser.

The Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed has started their annual winter fundraiser for the organisation.

Known as the Kindling Production, the shed collects pallets and other untreated wood products to make chairs and tables, a range of toys and other items.

The left over wood will be sold as kindling firewood for the winter period.

Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed president Bob Hollingsworth said the funds raised by the sale of the kindling is reinvested back into the shed’s operation to ensure it remained a vibrant base for friendship, goodwill and good health.

“We are a not-for-profit facility which allows members to engage in hands on projects to create opportunities for social interaction among men,” he said.

“We also raise awareness of men’s health issues.”

Mr Hollingsworth said the shed had outlets for the sale of the kindling at the Mundijong Rural Supplies on Paterson Street and Mundijong Garden Supplies on Watkins Road.

To join the ‘Shedders, or for more information on memberships call 0408 844 238 or visit the SJ Men’s Shed Facebook page at