A café with a difference

A café with a difference

City of Gosnells Mayor Glenn Dewhurst with participants of the Memory Café.

People living with dementia and their carers will have the opportunity to connect with the community during the launch of the Forget-Me-Not Memory Café next Wednesday.

The City of Gosnells partnered with community members to establish the café, which will provide opportunities for local people living with dementia and their carers to share stories over a cuppa in a relaxed, interactive and supportive environment.

Mayor Glenn Dewhurst said the idea started after visiting Avocados Café in Kelmscott who put up their venue once a month to host the memory café.

Seeing so much positive feedback and interaction from people suffering with dementia, he decided to bring this idea into the City of Gosnells.

“Our city has a lot of people living with dementia compared to the other cities,” he said.

“They are isolated people and with the memory café they can have a cup of tea and interact with other people.”

The memory café is a global initiative and Alzheimer’s WA has partnered with local government to bring the concept of the memory café to Western Australia.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, dementia is the single greatest cause of disability in Australians aged 65 years or older.

The City of Gosnells said 45 people have currently registered to attend the launch of the Forget-Me-Not Memory Café, hosted by Kelly’s Café in Canning Vale at 10am next Wednesday.

The Memory-Café can accommodate up to 50 people. The city expects between 20 to 30 participants to attend the Memory Café on a regular basis but does not require residents to register, as it will operate as a ‘drop-in’ program.