A glimpse of how we lived

A glimpse of how we lived

Historical panorama taken from Perth Esplanade and Elizabeth Quay.
If you are passionate about history and want to have a sneaky look at the old Perth, make sure you don’t miss the Historical Panoramas tour website.

The award-winning Curtin University research project holds an online collection of interactive images of historical views of Perth and Fremantle to provide an even more stunning insight into how the cities have changed over the past 150 years.

Project Supervisor and Curtin Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch manager Dr Andrew Woods said the project’s website had more than doubled in size and now featured more than 30 new or updated wide-angle panoramic views dating as far back as 1858.

Historical panorama of State Library of Western Australia.
“Highlights of the new site include the view from the Perth Town Hall tower, which has been upgraded to a full 360 degree view as seen in 1885, 1906, 1925 and 2016,” he said.

The interactive website allows people to zoom in to see amazing details, pan around wide vistas, fade between years of the same view, and jump between 20 different locations to see how the landscapes have changed over the decades.

The project even includes snapshots of the mundane, from horses, chickens and watching in backyards, to a vision of the icons that once lined the streets.

Historical panorama taken from South mole.
Mr Woods said they are open to the possibility of creating a full Virtual Reality experience of Perth as it existed hundred of years ago.

Originally launched in 2016, the project has already been recognised at the 2017 Western Australian Heritage Awards and received a framed certificate and an engraved medallion from The Perth Mint in recognition of its contribution to Western Australia’s heritage.

To go on a historical tour go to www.historicalpanoramas.com.au