A grand old birthday party for historic town

A grand old birthday party for historic town

One of Mundijong’s oldest known residents Mac Lightbody (centre) cuts the cake for Mundijong’s 125-year celebrations. Photograph - Richard Polden.

The gardens at Mundijong Heritage Uniting Church were abuzz with activity last weekend as residents old and new came together to celebrate 125 years of the Mundijong community. 

The event was held to celebrate the successes of the community that had gone from a railway junction town in 1893 to today’s budding residential suburb. 

Mundijong Community Association chairperson Keira McConkey said there was a sense of pride at the event especially from some of the families who have been in the area for the past 50 to 80 years. 

“We were aiming to reflect on the town’s history but also celebrate where we are now and make more of the community aware of the heritage of the area because what we have here is truly unique,” she said. 

“The association was honoured to have Mac Lightbody unveil the seat, which was made by the members at Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed. 

“As the oldest known resident of the area at 94 and born in Mundijong it was really important to us to celebrate this.” 

Photographs – Richard Polden.