A new look council

A new look council

Byford & Districts Country Club

After a big weekend, which saw multiple councillors lose their seats in Armadale including the Deputy Mayor, the council chambers are looking a little different.

Saturday’s Local Government Election saw Sam Singh Virk take the Lake Ward from previous Deputy Mayor Carole Frost by 54 votes.

Ranford Ward saw the election of Keyur Kamdar who won the seat by 60.48 per cent, with Jeff Munn trailing 464 votes behind.

After the bombshell decision by council last week to dissolve the Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade, Scott Mosey won Hills Ward seat from Caroline Wielinga with a 273-vote lead.

As Colin Campbell bowed out gracefully, retiring from his seat in Palomino Ward, Paul Hetherington won the seat with 55.30 per cent.

Donna Shaw also retired from her seat in Heron Ward, with Michael Hancock elected with 40.70 per cent of the vote against three other candidates.

Minnawarra Ward saw Gary Smith re-elected into his position with 62.81per cent of the vote.

Mayor Ruth Butterfield was re-elected in September for River Ward as no one else ran for the Ward.

A total of 15 candidates contested the 2021 election over the city’s seven wards.

With five out of seven available seats filled with new councillors, the council chambers took on a new look during the Special Council Meeting on Monday night as the councillors were sworn in and elected their presiding member.

Ruth Butterfield was re-elected as Mayor and Kerry Busby elected as Deputy Mayor. “I’d like to thank our outgoing and retiring councillors for their service to the community and congratulate the new and returned councillors on their successful election,” Chief Executive Officer, Joanne Abbiss said.

Mr Campbell had advice for new councillors who took their seats, telling them to stay brave.

“A big role of councillors is to be the bridge between the community and the council,” he said.

“Be brave because you have to be, people are relying on you which is why they have given you their trust for four years.

“Demand more from your leaders, you get the leadership you commit so if you feel as though you aren’t getting leadership ask for more, and don’t forget who you serve.

“If you aren’t a specialist for your area, who’s going to be?”