A sign of council election times

A sign of council election times

Mayoral hopeful Ken Ashwin took this photo of dumped election signage.

It must be election time again; there have been multiple reports of council election signs being removed and dumped throughout the area.

Gosnells mayor aspirant Ken Ashwin has recovered a stolen election sign that was dumped along with five other council candidates’ signs at the back of Holmes Road in Sutherlands Park.

He said sign removal was an ongoing problem which seemed to be worst around Thornlie this time.

“They’re expensive and I need every sign I can get to promote my campaign,” he said.

“I got a tip from a council worker who I had talked to previously, recovered them all and returned them to all the candidates.”

He said he had one sign destroyed, three taken and one recovered.

“If people have an objection to any candidate they have an easy response – don’t vote for them,” he said.

“Just leave their signs alone.

“If by chance they are caught they may end up with a possible criminal conviction.

“Just look at what has happened in the City of Canning. One candidate allegedly encouraging another person to remove signs of an opponent.

“Wonder how his election will work out?” he said.

The Local Government Elections will be held on Saturday, October 21.