A special morning for dads

A special morning for dads

James Vicarey and Tayla Vicarey walking to school during the special ANZAC morning.

The fathering project and local school Good Shepherd Catholic Primary in Kelmscott have partnered to hold a special morning last Friday to commemorate ANZAC day.
Students and their dads, uncles, grandads and father figures began the day at Rushton Park Cenotaph for a wreath laying service.

After the service, as a group the students and guests walked back to school before having a barbecue Gunfire Breakfast with army rations before the whole school commenced an ANZAC Day service.

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Principal Paul Hansen said the school recognises the important role that dads and father figures play in children’s lives.

“The ANZAC Walk to School and Breakfast morning provided an opportunity for the dads of our school community to come together and spend a special morning with their children while making important connections with other dads,” he said.

“This was a valuable opportunity for dads to be part of their child’s school life and to enhance the important role that dads and father figures play in the development of happy and healthy children.”

ANZAC Day is an important day to commemorate fallen soldiers and all that fought for the freedom of Australians.

The school said they hoped to deepen the understanding of its importance by providing students with an opportunity to share a reflective wreath laying service at the local War Memorial with their dads or father figures.

“Many children will pass this war memorial daily, without fully understanding its meaning and significance,” Mr Hansen said.

“By being part of a wreath laying service in their local community, the children deepened their understanding of the significance of recognising ANZAC Day.

“After the service the children and their dads shared a walk back to school and this provided a special opportunity for them to “walk and talk” and share some special time together.”

The Fathering Project works with Good Shepherd School to support dads and father figures by providing opportunities to spend time with their children and to engage in fun and enjoyable activities together.

“By being part of the Fathering Project, dads and father figures will be able to build friendships with other dads and father figures in the school community so they may support each other in facing the challenges of parenthood,” Mr Hansen said.