Activities reinforce bullying message

Activities reinforce bullying message

Mundijong Primary students Chekia Hancock and Tahlia Davies (rear) and Amber Neale and Nyah-Rose Potter. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A primary school extended its anti-bullying message far beyond just a day with students taking part in a number of activities last week. 

Mundijong Primary was one of 475 schools in WA to take part in the ninth annual National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. 

Deputy principal Luke Bradley said the school ran five days of activities where individual classes learnt how to be more aware of bullying and understand what they could do about it if they witnessed it. 

“These activities included role play, defining bullying, cyber safety and art and craft,” he said. 

“The week culminated with all of the students dipping their hand into paint and leaving their print on a canvas that read ‘Lend a Hand, Take a Stand, Stop Bullying’.” 

The school also hosted a poster competition to further promote the anti-bullying message with the winners receiving a new scooter for their efforts. 

Mr Bradley said as a result of the activities the students were more aware of the ramifications of bullying and what they can do to counter it both in school and in the community. 

“This event allowed us to bring bullying into the spotlight and create a focus on it within our school community,” he said. 

“Educating our students about the negative effects of bullying is extremely important.”