Anger boils over as party allegedly snubbed by national broadcaster

Anger boils over as party allegedly snubbed by national broadcaster

Dr Brian Walker and party supporters protested the exclusion of the Legalise Cannabis WA party from the ABC’s ‘Ask the Leaders’ election special.

Leader of the Legalise Cannabis WA party Dr Brian Walker has condemned the ABC for showing what he described as “a wholly unacceptable political bias” in the run up to the state election on 8 March.

ABC Perth Radio’s ‘Mornings Election Special: Ask the Leaders’ aired live yesterday morning, from the WA Museum Boola Bardip.

The broadcast, hosted by Nadia Mitsopoulos, featured every party leader from the WA Parliament except Dr Walker.

“Are you keeping up with the promises and pledges of the political parties as we head towards another state election? Do you want to know more about the policies on offer?” the ABC’s teaser read.

“Welcome to our next Morning Spotlight Forum and you can ask the leaders yourself. Premier Roger Cook, Liberal Leader Libby Mettam, Nationals Leader Shane Love and the Greens will answer your questions.”

The snub is particularly egregious considering the Legalise Cannabis Party outperformed the Greens in the last WA election; the first the party had ever contested.

Despite recording fewer primary votes than the Greens, two of the Legalise Cannabis WA party’s legislative council candidates were successfully elected, compared to the Greens’ one.

Dr Walker said numerous emails were sent to the ABC calling upon them to show a suitable level of impartiality, but no invitation was extended to him.

“The ABC’s clear bias against the Legalise Cannabis Party and movement is so blatant, that we have gone so far as to seek senior legal advice in recent days,” Dr Walker confirmed.

In a show of protest, Dr Walker made a public statement from the steps of the WA Museum before the radio show began.

“All leaders have been invited except me; do you think that’s fair?” he asked in his address.

“If the ABC can decide which voices you hear, what else are they deciding for you?

“Silencing one party is silencing democracy itself. You deserve the full picture – not just what they approve.

“This should be a concern to every right-minded voter in our state. They are violating our rights now, and in so doing they are violating yours as well.”

To reciprocate the ABC’s snub, after the address Dr Walker made himself available to answer questions from all media outlets except the ABC.