The Commerce Avenue trade training centre in Armadale, which has sat dormant since early 2013, will begin operating again from February after a new tenant was found.
New training company Australian Technical College WA moved into the building late last year and has been preparing to deliver business and management courses from February 1.
The facility, formerly known as the Armadale Australian Trades College, was opened in 2007 with the help of federal funding under the Howard Government’s technical colleges program.
It was built with classrooms and an extensive workshop where trades like motor mechanics were taught.
The new Labor government scrapped the program in 2008 in favour of a school based training system.
When the federal funding for the college was withdrawn it was able to privately fund itself until 2013 before it shut down.
The facility became a political hot potato with the late member for Canning Don Randall championing its reopening.
Australian Technical College WA chief executive Virender Singh said while they were only accepting enrolments for business classes now he hoped to start running hospitality and trades courses throughout the year.
“There is a process you have to go through before you get approval to deliver that training,” he said.
“We have actually lodged the application for hospitality and commercial cookery, we should be in the position where we can take enrolments for that in April.
“We actually bought a commercial kitchen in Gosnells and we’re going to use the Armadale facility and the Gosnells facility together to deliver commercial cookery and hospitality courses.
“The next target is to use this trades area, by the middle of this year we would be seriously working on that part.”
Mr Singh said the facility was perfect for training and he hoped it would become a major part of the area.
“It’s so well connected with a large shopping area and public transport,” he said.
“My view is Armadale is going to be a big hub in the next five years.
“It’s going to be more like Joondalup.
“That’s what I see for us, we are going to be a major training provider within the Armadale district.”
Armadale mayor Henry Zelones welcomed the college’s move into the facility.
“It was a disappointing loss for our community, when the original Australian technical college closed in 2013,” he said.
“It will be great to see a new education service provider operating in Armadale, as one of WA’s fastest growing local government areas, we need education and training facilities in the heart of Armadale.
“It is positive to see training providers recognise this immense population growth and providing crucial training for our growing community.”
The college was taking enrolments for students for courses including certificate IV in business, diploma of business, advanced diploma of leadership and management.
For more information visit atc.wa.edu.au or call 6196 2709.