Exhibition challenges assumptions

Exhibition challenges assumptions

Curtin higher degree by research art student David Attwood. Photograph – Matt Devlin.
Curtin higher degree by research art student David Attwood. Photograph – Matt Devlin.

Curtin university’s highly anticipated Soda 15 exhibition by emerging school of design and art higher degree by research students opens this Friday at the John Curtin gallery at Curtin university.

Soda 15 featured six discrete projects by emerging and mid-career artists David Attwood, Karen Ann Donnachie, Peng Liu, Shannon Lyons, Lauren McCartney and Michael Wise.

John Curtin gallery director Chris Malcolm said the artists used photography, video projection and installation to explore modern theories of art practice.

“Challenging assumptions from the non-objective art which grew out of the 20th century abstract art movement to our modern obsession with the selfie, an artistic vanity which has changed the way we work, play and interact,” he said.

The exhibition will run until December 13.

Visit johncurtingallery.curtin.edu.au.