Aspiri Primary now open to all ages

Aspiri Primary now open to all ages

Aspiri Primary students Bailey, Seth, Christian and Arianna. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A local Piara Waters primary school had a population boost this year, as the school expanded from 150 students to 520, aged from kindergarten to year six.

Aspiri Primary officially opened its doors last week to hundreds of smiling faces, most of which were starting their education careers at the school for the first time.

Associate principal Sheri Evans said it was a real privilege to be able to focus their attention on just the kindergarten and pre primary students last year, but it was now time to get to know the older cohort.

“Each day last year we had the opportunity to meet and greet families from all over the world and who speak many different languages and have decided to call Piara Waters home for many different reasons,” she said.

“We understood that for many of these families, our school was their first experience of Australian schooling and for this reason we offered many workshops including ‘understanding public schooling in WA’, how to help your child with literacy and numeracy and Triple P, a parenting program that helps families set up positive routines in the home environment.”

Ms Evans said she was excited for the 2019 school year and beyond.

“We currently have one of the largest early childhood programs in the state, having welcomed an overflow of students from other schools in the area,” she said.

“We are also looking to continue to build on the strong relationships we have with other primary schools in the area, including Piara Waters Primary and Harrisdale Primary and we will continue to work together to ensure the children in this community get the best possible education and parents can feel assured that no matter what public school you attend in the area.”

The $18.7 million school facilities were officially opened last week by Minister for Education Sue Ellery and Member for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai.

The school includes an administration block, library, staffroom and conference room, early childhood building, three general classroom buildings, a classroom block with an art and crafts area, covered assembly area, canteen, music room, and sports facilities.