Beenyup students celebrate their learning journey

Beenyup students celebrate their learning journey

Students proudly showed off their learning journeys to their families.

One of Beenyup Primary’s much-loved events each year is the Learning Journey.

With their Learning Journey maps in hand, students take their families on a guided tour of their learning processes, show off their favourite work and celebrate the progress they have made.

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Families can pop into the Book Fair and also enjoy a sausage sizzle cooked by the P&C and local Men’s Shed. Board members visit classes and place recognition awards on items of work.

This year, Member for Darling Range Hugh Jones joined Beenyup families to share their special night.

Beenyup Primary School Principal Rebecca Instance with guest of honour Hugh Jones.

This event epitomises the school’s vision of building brighter futures together through high expectations and belonging so that every child has the opportunity to find joy, be challenged and experience success.