Bowlers go the bra

Bowlers go the bra

Tony Greaves, Cathy Hopewell ( breast cancer survivor), Ric Pountney and Mark Veauchamp. Photograph — Richard Polden.

Purple bras of all shapes and sizes were available last Saturday at the Gosnells Bowling Club as part of Purple Bra Day.

The fundraiser collected $995 from hiring purple bras and the club donated all the green fees and prize money for the day.

Having done this for six years in a row some of the club members were initially reluctant to wear bras but with a few beers in hand they now wear them with enthusiasm.

Gosnells Bowling Club member Carolyn Griffiths said she still receives the usual ‘I’ve taken plenty of bras off in my time but never put them on’ comments from members every year.

“There are apparently plenty of Romeos in the club,” she said.

Rob Gibbons and John Mackenzie. Photograph- Richard Polden.

They have a few cancer survivors in the club and some currently fighting this disease.

Cancer survivor Cathy Hopewell attended the event and said she was one of the lucky ones.

Australia has one of the best rates for breast cancer survivors in the world but raising funds and awareness is fundamental.

The Gosnells Bowling Club will continue to hold their donation bucket until the end of June and they are hoping to raise more funds to go to the Cancer Council of WA.