For more than a month an alleged burglar has targeted Gosnells resident Patrick Trevenen’s home.
Mr Trevenen contacted Gosnells Police on June 29 and has appealed to the police and public to help find the alleged burglar who has allegedly stolen a total of 11 CCTV camera’s from Mr Trevenen’s home.
Mr Trevenen said he felt there has been an increase of thefts and burglaries in the area prompting him to install 22 CCTV cameras around his property.
He said he knew it was a little excessive but when he did a job he liked to do things properly.
“I live on my own,” he said.
“I want to feel safe.”
It has been alleged the first burglary was committed on May 22 when two CCTV cameras were stolen.
The second alleged burglary on May 31 saw eight cameras stolen and the last alleged burglary happened on June 22.
Mr Trevenen said he was home during the last alleged burglary.
“I was looking at one of the monitors and saw him,” he said.
“I then opened the door and he bolted.”
Mr Trevenen has collected more than 30 minutes of footage.
It shows the alleged intruder walking around Mr Trevenen’s property and going through some of his belongings.
He even puts his hand through the car window seemingly searching the backseat.
Footage also showed the man walking up towards the CCTV camera and allegedly dismantling it as moments later the screen goes blank.
Gosnells Police posted on the South East Metro District Facebook page seeking the public’s assistant regarding the identity of a person they suspect will be able to assist them in their inquiry about the stolen CCTV cameras.
Gosnells Police Station acting senior sergeant Emma Barnes said they had a nominated suspect but the inquiry was ongoing.
If anyone has any information call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or call Gosnells Police on 0417 519 847 and ask to speak to Team 1.