Bringing everyone together

Bringing everyone together

Let’s Relish was involved in the Rostrata event held in February this year

The Rostrata Makers Market will be kicking off this weekend with the aim of bringing the Rostrata community and local residents together.

Following months of planning and organisation the event will have more than 60 stalls which will be selling a huge variety of locally made goods.

Other highlights include buskers, free face painting and craft making activities for children.

Rostrata Family and Neighbourhood centre manager Dianne Graves said the event is the final major event in a series of three which have been part of the City of Canning’s original initiative for the ‘Activation of Rostrata’ pilot project which started in June 2018.

“It is felt that our Willetton and City of Canning community is rich with makers and lots of talented people within our community who deserve an affordable opportunity to showcase their designs, art, projects, wares, products,” she said.

“The purpose of the Makers Market event is to bring the whole of our community together to celebrate and connect with our talented local makers and to celebrate our beautiful Rostrata, Willetton and City of Canning community.”

The first event of this project was titled the Rostrata Street Festival and was held in June last year.

It was planned and run mostly by the City of Canning with community involvement and support.

Ms Grave said it resulted in great community consultation and feedback as to ideas for activation of space and place in and around the Rostrata area.

The Rostrata Makers Market is a free event and will be held in Willetton on November 24 from 10am to 2pm.