Brookman leads the way again

Brookman leads the way again

Olivia Corbett, deputy principal Tania Rennie, Arash Khodadoost, principal Hans Geers and Justin Perera. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

They have done it again. For a second consecutive year, Brookman Primary School has been awarded the Leadership Excellence Award at this year’s School Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Awards.

It is the first time a school has won the award for a second year running, improving on their commitment to STEM education year-on-year.

The school also won the runner up Meritorious Leadership award in the 2017 Governor’s STEM Awards.

Principal Hans Geers said winning these awards have been a fantastic incentive for the staff, students and the community.

“Everyone is extremely excited and proud to have again gained this high level acknowledgement of the hard work put in to building the school’s reputation as a leader in STEM education across the state,” he said.

“The school’s consistency and continued growth in leadership in this key area of contemporary education is an extraordinary achievement.”

STEM is embedded across the teaching and learning programs at Brookman Primary School to such an extent that the visual and performing arts teachers actively seek opportunities to build STEM practices into their teaching making them a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) school.

Deputy principal Tania Rennie said she has witnessed significant change in student engagement through improved teaching practices.

“Our staff willingly share their enriched knowledge and practices at both school and state level,” she said.

“Students continue to gain confidence through the skills and attributes they have acquired over the past three years.”

The school was also selected as a case study for the federally funded national ‘Principals as STEM Leaders’ project through Notre Dame University to be rolled out in the future.

Such is the school’s far reaching reputation, that Mr Geers was invited to speak to several hundred participants at a STEM conference in Sydney earlier this year.

“We aim to continue our search for additional opportunities to engage with outside experts and activities with a STEM focus,” he said.