Building with 130 year history to be enjoyed by visitors

Building with 130 year history to be enjoyed by visitors

Mill Manager’s House in Jarrahdale has been changed to holiday accommodation.

One of Jarrahdale’s oldest buildings will soon be home to short stay visitors after the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale council voted unanimously this week to change its use from a single house to holiday accommodation. 

The circa-1889 house in Foster Way has previously been left to ruins with no significant works carried out on the building for many years. 

However in June last year the National Trust-owned building received a significant lifeline with more than $395,000 allocated to its conservation and upgrade works and a further $50,000 to allow for the building’s fit out and operating costs. 

The National Trust has since engaged with the community to find a compatible use of the building which has resulted in two separate expressions of interests being received. 

The proposal does not include any structural changes to the building other than basic refurbishment works such as painting and replacing wood panels.

The internal refurbishment will include new light fittings and smoke alarms, a new kitchen and ensuite, a universal access bathroom, installation of a hot water system and modification of four of the internal doors to comply with disability access requirements. 

The proposal was advertised for public comment to the adjoining property owners for a period of 21 days, which resulted in three submissions.

Two of the submissions were concerned about noise, alcohol related vandalism, inadequate parking in the town site and privacy. 

Council approved the change of use to holiday accommodation at this week’s council meeting with the following conditions – prior to occupation an updated emergency evacuation plan must be submitted and approved by the shire, lighting external fires must not be started on the property and a management plan addressing the behaviour of guests, noise and waste management must be submitted to the shire for approval.