‘Bullying must stop immediately’

‘Bullying must stop immediately’

Gosnells PCYC youth worker Shane Thornton with SafeSPACE member Brodie Egan.

Nine local children involved in the Gosnells PCYC SafeSPACE program felt motivated to write a script for a production on bullying and domestic violence.

The SafeSPACE program provides young people with a place to come and enjoy activities and programs during the holidays and afterschool hours as an alternative to engaging in anti-social behaviour.

The Constable Care Theatrical Response Group were at the Gosnells PCYC earlier this year to collaborate in the video making.

The video will be used as a learning tool, shown regularly at SafeSPACE sessions and incorporated into other youth programs.

Gosnells PCYC centre manager Alan Elliot said he could assure everyone had fun whilst making the video.

“The project not only raised youth awareness of these issues, children had a ball and most certainly it gave them more confidence in themselves and they learnt a lot about working as a team,” he said.

“What was produced was an amazing and powerful video, we really have talented kids.”

Centres, Camp and Outreach executive manager Julie Gorman said any form of verbal, physical, social or cyberbullying should never be acceptable.

“We always encourage children or young people to talk to someone they trust and let them know there’s always something that can be done to help,” she said.

“For children that have been bullies, it’s important to acknowledge what has happened, and not dismiss their behaviour.

“Be clear to them that bullying must stop immediately and encourage them to imagine how the other child must feel.”

the SafeSPACE sessions are free and catered for young people aged 10 years and above.

Anyone interested can attend sessions on Thursdays from 3pm to 7pm or Friday and Saturday from 5pm to 9.30pm.

Participants are provided with transport to and from the centre and a healthy meal as part of the session.