Businesses team up to fight graffiti menace

Businesses team up to fight graffiti menace

Kleenit representative Rod Ball, City of Gosnells mayor Glenn Dewhurst and Thai Bistro and Cuisine owner Voravadee Kulachote. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

Sick and tired of seeing the community defaced by unsightly graffiti, including on her own establishment, Voravadee Kulachote contacted the City of Gosnells to see what could be done.

The owner of Thai Bistro and Cuisine said she contacted city staff after the Easter break when she found the front of the building had been defaced.

She said she was asked if she would be interested in joining a team aimed at removing graffiti as quickly as possible to discourage more from occurring.

Business TAG (Together Against Graffiti) was started by the City of Gosnells as part of a Safe City project.

Mayor Glenn Dewhurst said the project was a great opportunity for businesses to be proactive about graffiti removal.

“We know that areas where graffiti is removed quickly are less likely to be targeted repeatedly but areas where graffiti is left soon accumulate more,” he said.

“By working together to target graffiti the city and local businesses can make our community feel safer, cleaner and more inviting to community members, visitors and customers.

“It will also help to discourage more of this anti-social and illegal behaviour.”

Businesses who wished to participate in the project would have an opportunity to have graffiti professionally removed thanks to a sponsorship deal with Kleenit.

Kleenit director Peter Robinson said the company had agreed to provide up to $1000 worth of graffiti removal for large areas of graffiti or graffiti that was up high and visible from public areas.

Mr Robinson said the company felt it was important to work with local communities and councils to help them eradicate the graffiti problem.