Canning parks free for use

Canning parks free for use


Personal trainers will be able to hold classes on City of Canning parks and reserves without fees following a decision by councillors last week.

Councillor Christine Cunningham brought the motion to remove fees and charges for personal trainers to council on February 21.

She argued removal of the fees could result in further activation of public open spaces, support small business and encourage the health and wellbeing of residents.

Currently the city charges $3.50 and hour for fitness training bookings and derives $5000 annually from them.

Ms Cunningham said the usage of the city’s parks by fitness operators was not something that required monitoring.

“Just as ad hoc usage of our parks by the public is not monitored,” she said.

Councillor Patrick Hall said personal trainers were not non-profit exercises and the motion could lead to reserves becoming ‘chock-a-block’ with people.

The motion was tied five votes to five but passed after Canning mayor Paul Ng’s casting vote.

Under the new rules effective from the adoption of the 2017-18 budget, personal trainers will still have to book a reserve.