Cardup companies slapped with fines

Cardup companies slapped with fines

Permacast has been operating a large precast concrete formwork plant at 394 Robertson Rd in Cardup without planning permission.

Permacast has been slapped with a six-figure fine after the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale took them to court.

The two company entities operating on Lot 60 of the Cardup Business Park – Mecca Holdings Pty Ltd and Polevine Pty Ltd – were charged with undertaking works without development approval.

The year-long saga to retrospectively green light the massive expansion of the concrete formwork manufacturing plant came to a dramatic end on March 6 when the Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel flew in the face of the SJ Shire’s collective advice, and granted approval.

At the time, MODAP heard from Cardup residents who continued to express their disbelief that Permacast had been allowed to grow to its current size without the necessary permissions to do so.

“The residents of Cardup have had no say whatsoever in this matter. Permacast chose to ignore their responsibilities, in so doing ensuring the residents of Cardup had no means of disagreeing with the site’s existence and expansion,” local resident Mike Smowton said.

“Permacast believes that the laws, regulations and recommendations do not apply to them. This attitude seems to have been condoned and supported by the regulators. It is time to stop,” resident Karen McEwen said.

There is perhaps slight vindication for local residents that Permacast has now been ordered to pay some penance for this.

On June 27, the two company entities fronted the Armadale Magistrates Court, after they entered early guilty pleas for their crimes.

Magistrate Brian Mahon imposed a penalty of $175,000 against each company (a total of $353,000), along with an order for costs in the amount of $1,500.