Check out these classics

Check out these classics

Self-described “Holden tragic” Hugh Jones MLA with Club President Aaron Pike and Club Treasurer Pat Nardelli.
Japanese, Australian, American and European automobiles gleamed on Sunday.
Over 250 punters filled the Byford Country Club car park for the classic car show.
Club President Aaron Pike said he has fallen head over heels with his classic Cadillac.

The Byford Classic Car Club gave local car enthusiasts a trip down memory lane at a Meet n Greet over the weekend, with a stunning display of classic Holdens, Fords, Chevrolets and more.
Over 250 revheads headed down to the Byford Country Club on Sunday to revel in a showcase of pre-1990s automobiles, enjoying a feast for the eyes along with bacon and egg sandwiches, coffee and a fundraising raffle.
Club President Aaron Pike said the event was by far the biggest in the club’s 15-year history.
“The weekend really was a lot of fun, we had classic Mazdas, Valiants, Fords, Holdens, American cars, European cars, a good variety.
“In the last year we’ve gone from 40 members to 200. We absolutely filled the car park out to the street, we’re really happy,” Aaron said.
“Hugh Jones came down and I got a handshake and some photos, and I would like to thank Tanya at Byford Tyres who donated a $500 gift voucher for the raffle, as well as the Byford Country Club who let us use the premises and donated gift vouchers and Speedy Spanners for the gift basket,” he said.
For Hugh Jones MLA, the classic car show was a chance to reminisce.
“It was great to see the classic Australian and American cars on Sunday, carefully restored and maintained and, importantly, still being driven,” Hugh said.
“I must admit I am a Holden tragic and bought my first, a 1964 EH Holden wagon, in 1984 for $2400.
“I distinctly recall an older gentleman telling me to look after it as it will be worth a lot of money one day. Needless to say, I was young and foolish and sold it a year or so later,” he said.
Byford Classic Car Club is approved through the Department of Transport for the Concessions for Classics (C4C) scheme.
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