Funding from the City of Gosnells has helped almost half of Thornlie Senior High School’s cheer and dance teams get to one of the world’s biggest cheerleading events in Melbourne this month.
Thornlie’s team of 28 students will compete alongside 12,000 others at the Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation (AASCF) National Cheer and Dance Championships between November 29 and December 1.
Principal Donna McDonald said the school community is very excited and incredibly proud of the Cheer and Dance Team.
This is also not a first for the school, as the cheer and dance students have for many years successfully competed at a state, national and international level.
The three cheerleading teams participating have a record of bringing home both competition trophies for their excellence in their performance routines and also Spirit Awards for their outstanding teamwork.
Guided by Cheer and Dance coordinators Lori Lockyer and Tahlia Brealey, the students are looking to equal or better their second-place result from their category last year.
“We have three teams competing, with cheerleading, hip hop and pom teams all aiming for a top-five finish,” Ms Lockyer said.
Year 12 and All Star Cheer and Dance captain Natasha Cornish said all three of the teams are ready and pumped to compete.
“This will be my last school trip I am extremely excited as I know that it will be an amazing time and I know everyone will smash it,” she said.
“I believe that our biggest strength as a team is how much of a family we are.
“We are fierce competitors and everyone in our team brings different abilities to our team.”
Ms Cornish said the teams have had several early morning training sessions throughout the week and are ready to hit the stage with three routines including two dance routines and one cheerleading routine.
“We don’t know what to expect from the other teams until we see them competing, but we believe that our friendly competition from another Western Australian school will definitely bring some great routines and big competition,” she said.