Cheesy shades on the screen

Cheesy shades on the screen

Irish actor Jamie Dornan as billionaire Christian Grey.

There was a collective gasp from audiences when billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) ripped his shirt off, grabbed sweet, innocent budding publisher Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnoson) in his arms and threw her onto the bed.

This gasp, mainly due to his sculpted body, was quickly followed by stifled giggles and that in a nutshell is the second instalment in the 50 Shades series.

50 Shades Darker is just as cringe worthy, crass and strange yet you can’t help but enjoy a good giggle with your girlfriends.

The movie begins by trying to take itself as a serious drama and see’s Christian Grey wrestling with the demons from his past, which he is trying to push aside and focus on his love for Steele but halfway through the seriousness gives way to ridicule which is strangely enjoyable.

While Irish actor Dornan fails miserably to hide his accent his dark stubble and piercing eyes more than make up for it.

Meanwhile Johnson who sports dark brown bangs looks perfectly doe-eyed while seemingly trying not to laugh at the ridiculous lines she has to deliver, including ‘I’ll have dinner with you only because I’m hungry and we are only talking,’ that is it.

We all know that talking is the last thing both of them will be doing.

50 Shades Darker is everything you would expect it to be.

It is also surprisingly edgier and sexier with a killer soundtrack.

Also starring Rita Ora, Marcia Gay Harden and Kim Basinger as the infamous Mrs Robinson.

4 out of 5 stars.

Rated: MA 15+

Distributor: Universal

In cinemas now.