Child-minding centre proposal refused

Child-minding centre proposal refused

An artist’s impression of the proposed Child Minding Centre.

A child -minding centre proposed for Byford was knocked back by the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale at the council meeting on October 11.

The proposed site for the centre would have been on the corner of Beenyup Road and Amy Street, that is until residents expressed concerns about noise during the consultation phase of the report.

Shire Officers considered that the ‘Child Minding Centre’, which proposed to cater a maximum of 120 children, would have been a significant scale development and would adversely impact on the surrounding residential amenity property by way of noise.

The council unanimously voted that they resolve the Responsible Authority Recommendation that the Metro Outer Joint Assessment Panel refuse the development application for the construction of the child minding centre in Byford.

Reasons listed included that the development is considered to be an inappropriate scale that is incompatible with the ‘Residential’ character and will detrimentally impact on the preservation of the amenity adjoining and nearby landowners.

Apart from noise, another reason stated that the commercial nature of the development is not considered compatible with the low density of residential development within the locality.

Issues also included insufficient information provided to demonstrate onsite parking is sufficient for the development and that the proposal does not comply with the shire’s Byford Townsite DAP in relation to the expected overall built form outcome, which isn’t considered sympathetic to the surrounding residential area.