Children’s Week celebrations will take part in Gosnells between Monday October 23 and Saturday October 28.
Mayor Terresa Lynes said the events would be an excellent way for families with children up to 10 years old to spend time together and enjoy the fun of childhood.
“This year for Children’s Week, the City is celebrating with Storytime at the Shops, a baby play session, an intergenerational Gosnells Get-Together Park Play session and two more Park Play events, one featuring face painting and the other messy play,” she said.
“Parenting can be hard work as well as rewarding, so the City will also hold a Gostalks event focusing on regaining the calm from the chaos.”
Registration is required for Gostalks – book your place through the City’s website at gosnells.wa.gov.au, which includes details of all City of Gosnells Children’s Week activities.
The Baby Play and Baby Sensory Class Date sessions will be held on Monday October 23 from 9.30am to 10.30am and 11am – 12pm at the Huntingdale Community Centre, Lot 1645 Holmes Street, Huntingdale.
The Gosnells Get-Together Park Play, which includes stage show, is on Wednesday October 25 from 9.30am – 11.30amat Pioneer Park, Gosnells.
Storytime at the shops is on Thursday October 26 from 9.30am – 10.30am at the Maddington Central Shopping Centre.
Gostalks Presents Claire Orange will be on Thursday October 26 from 5.30pm for a 6pm presentation at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre.
Park Play with face painters is on Friday October 27 from 9.30am – 11.30am at Harmony Fields, Maddington.
Messy Park Play will be on Friday October 27 from 9.30am – 11.30am at Walter Padbury Playground, Thornlie.