Christmas cultural cheer

Christmas cultural cheer

Pranee Gerkha Jumnong, Saikhama Su Jumnong, Jeneimah Chai Jumnong and Surachai Saeng Jumnong outside their home which has been decorated for Christmas acknowledging western culture and sharing community spirit. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Over the festive season many City of Gosnells residents have decorated their homes with lights but for one Kenwick family it is so much more than that.

For a number of years now Surachai Saeng Jumnong and his family have decorated the outside of their home, not only to share in the community sprit but also to acknowledge Australian culture.

Mr Jumnong’s son Jeneimah Jumnong said this year his father had gone all out with the decorations.

“It is the biggest one yet,” he said.

“My dad was taught English by British and American people and they taught him about Christmas.

“Even though Christmas is not our culture we want to share what we know and get involved.”

Jeneimah said the decorations were a family effort and his job was to do the lights.

“It is very special,” he said.

“There is a sense of community and a connection between the neighbours.”

Jeneimah’s neighbour said the decorations were a wonderful display to see.

“He hardly speaks any English and it is wonderful to see him get involved with the community for Christmas.”

To view the lights visit 12 Alcock Street Kenwick from 7pm onwards.